Child Protection Policy
Children are the most valuable assets of the society. Hence our school has taken measures to ensure their safety and security.
Identity Cards: Identity cards with child's information along with photograph is issued to all the children from class I . Wearing ID card everyday to school is a must. In case of missing of it, duplicate card is issued immediately.

CCTV Surveillance: Closed Circuit Cameras are installed on the campus so that a safe, secured and healthy environment is provided for the students.

Infirmary: Safety against injuries or sudden sickness Phone call to parents if the student is absent. The school provides First Aid faciliƟes to the students for the sudden injuries or sickness. On the boarding campus, the qualified staff on duty is present all the Ɵme. Treatment for minor illness and first aid is given immediately.

Regular Phone Follow-Ups: We place great emphasis on regular telephonic follow-up, employing a proactive strategy that facilitates open communication, fosters trust, and enables us to promptly address any concerns or provide updates on your child's well-being and academic progress.

Visitors Identity: In case of Hostel students, visitors are requested to get their names relationship,with student and their phone numbers registered, before visiting the students. The names of such visitors should be registered by the parents at the time of admission.