Ignite Physical Education
The exclusive Ignite curriculum is a scientifically researched curriculum and each student has an individualized set of equipment. Trainers are certified and are under the direct supervision of the master trainers.

Butterfly Fields
Exciting, innovative and creative Science and Math projects for young it is as important as theoretical learning. Practical learning keeps the students engaged and creates enthusiasm in education.

Wordsworth English Lab
Assists students in learning English and developing communicative skills. The programme has been structured to develop pronunciation.vocabulary and English proficiency among the learners. It helps the students tocommunicate in English with clarity and confidence.

Cambridge English Assessment
Bhashyam Blooms has been taking great strides in improving the quality of education in the direction of making the students globally relevant. The school has been conducting multi level Cambridge English exams and nearly 300 students are appearing every year and the results are excellent.

Bhashyam School App
Adopting to the new technolo. we have introduced an excellent and useful mobile application for parents which can help them to know the updates of our school.

GyanPro is the first enterprise founded in 2014 with the aim to create aparallel science education program. The firm seeks to kindle scientifictemper by honing reasoning skills and logical thinking amongst children.

TRINITY College of London
Bhashyam Blooms is also a centre for International Trinity Music Graded Examinations Trinity provides recognized qualification at various levels in the field of music The theoiy exams gives them a platform to showcase their artistic and creative side.

Bhashyam Montessori
Bhashyarn provides a good opportunity to those who aspire to become teachers in pro-primary schools or those who would like to update themselves with new methods and techniques of teaching with special focus on child psycholugr and behavioural psycholo with ISo 9001 certification & recognition by Bharat Sevak Sam.

Students of today's digital era are interested in classrooms that are technologically equipped. Senses intelligent Interactive Panel makes children inquisitive and explorative in nature fostering better understanding of concepts.

NCC (National Cadet Corps)
The NCC is open to Bhashyam Blooms from 22nd June 2016 to groom young Bloomites into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The organization moves with a motto Unity and Discipline to enlighten leadership qualities and to serve the nation.